Our Story
Stan and Lori Thomas have always looked at their life with four children as the most precious gift that God could have ever blessed them with. Stan was a Pastor and Lori was able to stay home and raise up their children. They enjoyed nothing more than spending time with their family. When they look back, they realize how amazing it was to have those days together. Life felt like nothing could ever go wrong
until…it did.
It was a foggy morning, just 3 days before Thanksgiving, November 25, 2013. Stan and Lori received the call no parent wants to receive. The voice on the other end of the phone said their daughter, Aimee, never made it to her destination. After hanging up the phone, Stan and Lori got in their car to search for Aimee. They drove upon the accident scene just a mile from their home. The site of Aimee’s car entangled with a truck hauling cement was a picture they will never forget. In that moment, the joy they have always known as parents was stripped away. The drive to the Emergency room confirmed the most devastating news. The twin daughter they poured their lives into for 26 years was lost in the wreckage. Their lives were forever changed.
Aimee and Lori had a ministry on their horse ranch for children who had lost a parent. It was after Aimee’s death, Stan and Lori knew in their hearts they had to turn their worst nightmare into something that would bring hope to parents who are grieving their child.
However, Stan and Lori quickly saw their marriage changing. They were no longer the same individuals. They tried to put the pieces back together and make their marriage what it used to be, but nothing was the same. There were many holes in the puzzle and some pieces didn’t fit like they used to. Some pieces didn’t fit at all. With lack of communication skills, they felt themselves detaching from one another. They finally decided to get professional help before their marriage was destroyed altogether.
After years of counseling, they not only found renewed love but they found joy and hope again. They learned to laugh again and how to communicate even in times of sorrow. They took everything they learned on how to rebuild a grieving marriage and they became the founders of Hope for Grief.
Stan and Lori Thomas, certified grief coaches, recognize the overwhelming stress of child loss and how it can devour a marriage. They sat with many couples who were on the brink of divorce but decided to rebuild their marriages after receiving the tools of hope, joy, love, and communication.
Marriage is a long-term commitment.
Marriage is for better or for worse.
Grief is strong. Love is stronger.
Please let us help you.
Stan & Lori Thomas